Staying safe online
Being online is an integral part of our children’s lives. Learning through websites and apps, interacting with others at home using social media and gaming can be accessed through mobile phones, computers, laptops and tablets – all of which form a part of children’s online world.
The internet and online technology provides new opportunities for young people’s learning and growth, but it can also expose them to new types of risks. Our aim is to keep all of our children safe online at school and at home by giving them and their parents the awareness and skills to deal with any situation and by providing the most up to date information in this ever changing sector.
On this page you can read through some useful information with your child to help keep them as safe as possible, while still enjoying the experience that being online can bring.
The National Online Safety website provides upto date help and support to all parents and children about online safety. You can visit their website here:

National Online Safety have produced some really useful guides for parents and children about the potential dangers of different online platforms, games and apps.
Some useful and little known information about the dangers of the music streaming site, Spotify.
This guide includes advice for parents and carers about one of the most popular social media sites, Twitter.
Information about the role-playing game, World of Warcraft.
Some useful and little known information about the dangers of the music streaming site, Spotify.
This guide includes advice for parents and carers about one of the most popular social media sites, Twitter.
Information about the role-playing game, World of Warcraft.
This is a useful guide for Christmas as it contains advice on setting up new devices safely.
Information about the video sharing platform TikTok.
A guide for parents and carers about online bullying.
This guide contains information about the positive and negative effects of social media on a child’s mental health.
Information about the social media app, WhatsApp.
A helpful resource about engaging with your child’s online gaming.
It is important that children understand that not everything they read on line is the truth. This information will help!
Helping children understand that more likes online does not mean a person is more popular in real life.
Parents guide to understanding the pressures a child may face regarding appearance.
What parents need to know about social pressures linked to followers on social media.
A guide about Cyberbullying for school and staff.
A parents guide regarding age ratings for gaming and TV.
Online safety tips for children.
A useful guide for parents regarding internet controls.
These website also offer useful information.