We are looking for new members of our Governing Body
We are currently looking for new governors for our school. If you are interested in helping to shape the future provision for our children and families, please click the image below to view more details. If you require any further information, please contact the school office on 01642 314548. We have vacancies for both parent governors and for trust appointed governors.
The Governing Body

Mr Andrew Simspon – Chair of Governors (Safeguarding)
I am the current Chair of Overfield’s and I have two boys who attend the school. Professionally, I am a Clinical Scientist in Medical Physics and a Patient Safety Ambassador at The James Cook University Hospital in Marton. My job and qualifications provide me with ideal skills for volunteering as a governor, such as project and quality management, accountability, governance, and service management.
I grew up in Acklam and I moved to Ormesby in 2015. I enjoy sports and I am an England Athletics Licensed Coach in sprints and hurdles.
Schools are important parts of our children’s lives, just as they were when we were once children. My role as a governor allows me to be part of a team that influence the direction of the school so that it continues to achieve high standards and its vision for our children, by providing supportive and friendly challenge to the school and to the Academy Trust. Ovefields has a fantastic team of teachers and support staff who are passionate about educating our children.

Mrs Enid Harrison – Vice Chair of Governors (SEND & Children in our care)
Hello, my name is Enid Harrison. After a long career working in education in Redcar and Cleveland, I was delighted to be invited to join the Governing Body of Overfields School in 2014. It is a real pleasure to be involved as a Governor. Overfields is such a wonderful school with happy, caring, talented children, enthusiastic, hardworking staff and very supportive parents and carers. We are all working together to make Overfields a successfully school and to achieve the best possible outcomes for every child.

Mrs Tracy Watson – Head Teacher

Mrs Alison Dales – Staff Governor

Miss H Theaker – Staff Governor
As a teacher at Overfields Primary School I am pleased to be part of the governing body. I qualified as a teacher in 2015 and took up my first post at this school after completing my final placement here. As a governor, I feel privileged to represent my colleagues. My role in the governing body will have a specific focus on the creative curriculum to provide a high standard of education for all. I want to ensure that our children and their families feel supported, happy and safe.

Mrs Lisa Noteyoung – Trust Appointed Governor (Pupil Premium)
Hello everyone, my name is Lisa Noteyoung and I’ve been a trust appointed governor on Overfields governing body for just over a year. I currently work as the Governance Support Service Manager for Redcar & Cleveland Brough Council. The main focus of my role is supporting governing bodies to deliver exceptional outcomes for children who live in Redcar & Cleveland.
I’m also mum to three children, all of which are at different stages within the education system. When I have some spare time, I love to keep fit, read and spend time with my family. Even though I have only been a member of the governing body for a short while, it has been a pleasure getting to know the school, staff, children and their families. I am very proud to part of a local governing body that is committed to keeping children at the heart of everything they do.

Mrs Jennifer Stanton – Trust Appointed Governor

Mrs Eileen Grimbley – Trust Appointed Governor

Mrs Sadia Hussain – Parent Governor
Governing Body Support

Mrs Lyn Collishaw
School Business Manager
Mrs Amy Douglas
Clerk to the Governing Body
To contact the Chair of our Governing body:

Mr Andrew Simpson,
c/o Overfields Primary School, Daisy Lane, Ormesby, Middlesbrough, TS7 9JF

01642 314548
Governing Body Documents
Click below to view details of the membership, attendance and registered business interests of our Governing Body:
For Information of the governance of the Ironstone Academy Trust, please visit the trust website here.
To vist the National Governors Association, click the image below: