Physical Education (PE)
At Overfields Primary our aim for Physical Education is to build our children’s confidence and self-esteem; develop their motor skills and cultivate positive values and attitudes for the development of an active and healthy lifestyle. We aim to deliver high quality PE lessons that will inspire every child to succeed and excel at their personal best level. We endeavour to provide children with a wide variety of extra-curricular sports clubs and events to participate in to develop their knowledge and enjoyment of different kinds of sports.
To see the way that teaching and learning in PE supports our school’s wider curriculum vision, click below:

Teaching and Learning in PE
All children are provided with two hours of curriculum PE a week. We utilise a PE resource called Complete PE. This is a comprehensive and detailed set of planning and resources to deliver exciting, effective and engaging PE lessons. To view our long term planning for PE, please click below:

Our progression of skills documents show how each PE unit develops children knowledge, awareness and skills in each different PE discipline.

Our curriculum PE is enhanced by the opportunities our pupils have to engage in extra-curricular school sports clubs. These have included street dancing, multi sports, football, tri-golf, tag rugby and Change4Life.
Our Jubilee Dance event for parents – we learned dances from different countries in the Commonwealth

We are committed to helping our children achieve the Government’s recommended 60 minutes of physical activity a day using the Youth Sports Trust Active 30:30; which is 30 active minutes at school and 30 active minutes at home. We encourage active curriculum lessons and equipment on the playgrounds to support physical activity alongside the Daily Mile.
Primary Sports Premium Funding
The Government provides each primary school with a Primary School Sport Fund. It is jointly provided by the Department for Education, Health & Culture, Media and Sport and is paid directly to the schools to spend on improving the quality of sport and PE for all children. You can find out more details about how we spend our Sports Premium allocation here.

Cleveland School Sports Partnership
We are an active member of the Cleveland School Sport Partnership. This offers our children access to high quality sport competitions and festivals with other primary schools across our local area.

The Sports Partnership also provides excellent professional development opportunities for our staff to enhance and improve their own subject knowledge and confidence in teaching PE. This includes external training courses and PE specialists from the partnership working in our school alongside our staff to support and develop their skills and confidence to teach high quality PE lessons
School Games Mark

Overfields Primary is a proud holder of the School Games Mark Gold Award. This recognises our commitment to PE and School Sport which includes pupil participation, competitions, leadership opportunities and links to our local sports clubs.