Pupil Premium
All primary schools and academies in the UK receive an allocation of additional funds called the Pupil Premium Grant (PPG). It is designed to help disadvantaged pupils of all abilities perform better, and close the gap between them and their peers. Funding is provided for pupils of all ages who are entitled to free school meals, are looked after by the Local Authority or are the children of members of the armed forces.

In deciding how to make best use of the additional funds our school receives through the PPG we analyse the barriers to learning that these children may be facing. These barriers may be associated with an unsettled home life, upset and disruption caused by loss or trauma, lower levels of language and literacy skills or poor attendance or punctuality, among many others. Once the barriers to learning have been identified, the school works hard to ensure that support is provided to help pupils overcome these.
The school allocates is Pupil Premium Grant in many different ways including:
- Provision of additional teaching and support staff,
- Making trips and visits more affordable for low income families,
- Provision of family support staff
- Subsidising the cost for pupils attending breakfast club.
- Employing an attendance officer to support getting children in to school
As pupils move through our school it is important that we plan our PPG spending carefully and that we fully assess the impact of our decisions each year. In this section you can find out details of how we plan to spend our Pupil Premium Grant for this academic year and the impact of our spending in previous years.
Pupil Premium Statement
The document below shows how we will be spending our Pupil Premium funding for the coming year (2024-25) and the impact of the grant we received in 2023-24:
Historical Pupil Premium Documents
Pupil Premium Statement 2022-2023