If you think a child may be at risk of abuse or neglect, click the image for more information on what to do.
In an emergency situation, always call 999.
Safeguarding at Overfields Primary School
Parents, carers and staff all have the safety and wellbeing of our children at the centre of the decisions they make, both in and out of School. Keeping children safe is everyones responsibility. Members of the public, as well as staff in helping agencies, can play a vital role in helping to protect children from abuse or neglect. Whilst the child’s welfare is always the most important consideration, there is also a duty on professionals to work in partnership with parents, to provide support where necessary and to ensure that children remain with their families wherever possible.
Staff at Overfields Primary School receive annual Child Protection training. The School maintains a Single Central Record which records all the adults who work with children at our school. We also only work with contractors (for example builders) who can meet our requirements regarding safeguarding of pupils.

Overfields Primary School Safeguarding Team

Contact us
If you wish to speak to any member of our Safeguarding team, please contact the school office in the first instance by telephoning 01642 314548. Alternatively, you can email our dedicated safeguarding mailbox at
You can find information on the policies we utilise as part of our safeguarding work here.
The document ‘Keeping Children Safe in Education’ produced by the Department for Education, provides statutory guidance for schools and colleges on safeguarding children and safer recruitment of staff. You can find this document by clicking here.
Everyone involved in the care, education and development of a child has a role to play in keeping them safe. This includes the children themselves and we work hard too ensure that they can make the right choices to keep themselves safe.

Safeguarding Leaflet
Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children is everyone’s responsibility. Anyone working or volunteering at Overfields Primary School is expected to play their part in keeping our children safe. Our safeguarding leaflet explains what our expectations are of any adult working in our school. Click here to download a copy of our safeguarding leaflet.

‘Bee Safe – Bee Healthy’
We use a friendly logo to highlight any displays, notices or information that the children use to keep safe. The competition to create a new logo was won by Lola with her ‘Bee Safe’ design. The values which we share with the children also enable them to take responsibility for their own safety and the safety of others.

Lola’s winning design

Our ‘Bee Safe’ mascot

Our School Values
Contexualised Safeguarding
No child exists in isolation from the environment surrounding them; they are part of a wider network of peers, neighbourhoods, social networks and other influences. It is therefore important that we provide the information that our children need to keep safe, specific to the location of our school and the nature of the surrounding area. As such we make sure we are aware of any dangers, issues or events local to our school. We talk to our pupils about their life outside of school and any locations that make them feel unsafe. We also talk to the local authority representatives and the police about relevant issues along with our parents and carers and any of our own staff that live locally. We are then able to respond appropriately and sensitively to these issues.
School Trips

We value the experiences our children get by visiting people and places outside of school. From a local walk to look at the different seasons to a residential packed full of adventurous activities, we try and provide as many opportunities to journey away from the school site as possible. The careful planning and preparation that goes into every trip, together with the range of excellent providers we use makes sure that the high standards of safeguarding that are present at school, are replicated off site.
The school utilises a Local Learning Area within which regular visits can be arranged quickly. For more involved trips such as visits further afield, residentials and adventurous activities, more in depth planning is undertaken. You can view our Local Learning Area document by clicking the image.
One important aspect of everytrip is to ensure the children take ownership of their safety when they leave school and teachers always take the time to discuss the risks and how to handle them before leaving school.
Important Safeguarding Organisations
If any person thinks a child may be at risk of abuse or neglect, they should contact the Multi-Agency Children’s Hub (MACH) for the child’s local area or the NSPCC National Helpline.
For children living in Redcar & Cleveland
Call Redcar MACH on 01642 130700 (out of Hours – 01642 524552) or use the email address
For children living in Middlesbrough
Call Middlesbrough MACH on 01642 726004 or use the email address:
NSPCC National Helpline Tel: (0808) 8005000
If a member of the public considers that there is an emergency situation, they should dial 999 for the Police.
Parents may also wish to visit these other useful sites:
South Tees Safeguarding Children Partnership