School Uniform
We strongly encourage the wearing of our uniform across the whole school. We are very proud of the uniform and feel children are ready to learn, and feel part of the school community when wearing it.
Pupils are requested to wear the following uniform:
Green school cardigan or sweatshirt, plain grey or green jumper
Grey or black trousers, grey or black school pinafore or skirt
White shirt, polo shirt or blouse
School shoes or plain trainers
Summer Uniform – grey shorts, green checked dress

We use a local provider – Lollipops, Middlesbrough – for our jade green jumpers and sweatshirts and they also supply all other clothing. Other items can also be purchased from local supermarkets and retailers.
School uniform can be ordered through our suppliers link below:
Our Jade green jumpers and cardigans can also be obtained from Tu at Sainsburys, George at Asda and Marks & Spencer.

If you are having any problems in finding suitable school uniform items, or have any concerns or questions about our uniform requirements, please do not hesitate to get in touch.
We also have a small selection of pre-owned uniform items available to purchase. We would also welcome any donations of uniform that children have grown out of.
PE Uniform – Plain white or green t-shirt and navy or black shorts, black pumps or outdoor trainers.
P.E. kit should be kept in a PE bag on a child’s peg at all times (going home during holidays). An outdoor kit is also required during the colder months.
Children having swimming lessons will need a swimming costume (not bikini) or swimming trunks (not longer Bermuda style shorts) and a towel.
Pupils are permitted to wear a watch and stud earrings (which must be removed for P.E) Children must remove earrings by themselves before PE lessons or swimming. Covering ear lobes with plasters is not allowed. The problem of newly pierced ears can be avoided by waiting until the summer holidays to have them done.
Acrylic or fake nails are not permitted under any circumstances.
Long hair should be tied back and the school discourages some specific hairstyles, for example shaved patterns/lines or coloured hair.
Please note mobile phones are not allowed in school.
To view our School Uniform Policy, please click here.