At Overfields Primary, Science stimulates and excites pupil’s curiosity about natural phenomena and events in the world around them! The aim of our science curriculum is to ensure all children leave the school with a secure foundation of scientific knowledge, vocabulary and practical skills. This will help to ensure all children have the ability to be successful in any potential future learning and employment in an ever changing world.

To see the way that teaching and learning in Science supports our school’s wider curriculum vision, click below:

Early Years Science
Play underpins the delivery of all subjects in Nursery and Reception. In playing, children behave in different ways: sometimes within their play, they may describe and discuss what they are doing and sometimes they may be more reflective and quiet as they play. Within a secure and challenging environment with effective support, children can explore, develop and experiment as they play to help them make sense of the world.
If you would like more details on how Science is taught in Nursery and Reception, please visit their page here.
Science learning in Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2
Science is taught in a cross curricular manner, where possible, and integrated into a classes ongoing ‘topic’ work to provide more contextual and meaningful learning experiences. For example:
- English – opportunities to write for scientific purposes, for example, chronological reports, recounts, and note taking
- Mathematics – developing skills in data handling, measurements and mathematical relationships
- Art – understanding of materials and their properties
- Geography – exploring physical processes
- History – researching scientists and their discoveries
- IT – data handling and research
- PSHE – health and safety education
We follow the areas of study outlined in the National Curriculum for Science and these have been divided and allocated across the year groups. Our long term plan shows the different science topics each year group follows. You can view the long term plan for science by clicking below:
Activities are planned to meet the needs of all pupils. Differentiation is achieved through careful planning and organisation; all learners are supported and challenged to progress. At Overfields, Science is practical, engaging and fun!