Special Educational Needs and Disability
At Overfields Primary School, we ensure that all our children receive a high-quality and inclusive education regardless of any special Educational needs or disabilities they may have. This means that our pupils with identified Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) may need a carefully planned approach, additional to the quality first teaching they receive, in order to maximise the progress and successes they can achieve. We are ambitious for all of our SEND children, regardless of their particular need, be that Dyslexia, Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Dyspraxia, Speech and Language Development, Learning Difficulties or any other identified need. All of our teachers are teachers of SEND and inclusion is a thread which runs through every aspect of our school.
The Special Educational Needs Coordinator in school is Miss H Theaker.
Through our high-quality planning, teaching and assessment, we:
- Ensure early identification and intervention for SEND to ensure that progress and opportunities are maximised
- Ensure that all children have access to a broad and balanced curriculum which can be differentiated to enable children to understand the relevance and purpose of learning
- Provide an accessible learning environment tailored to meet individual needs
- Develop children’s independence and life skills
- Regularly monitor the progress of children with SEND
- Provide quality, relevant training for all staff working with SEND children
- Work closely with parents and carers
- Work closely with external agencies and professionals to develop and enhance provision for all children with SEND
Our pupils with SEND learn in a variety of ways:
Pupils may have specific pre-teaching, 1:1 or small group intervention to support maths, literacy or phonics learning.
Pupils may take part in additional sessions around communication or social skills, or may receive additional emotional support during more unstructured times in the school timetable
Pupils may be given additional support with their speech and language development, using programmes such as NELI, Blast and Talk Boost.
Pupils may work with staff from external agencies such as educational psychologists, speech and language therapists, occupational therapists, or mental health specialst.
Speech and Language Unit
Within our school is a dedicated speech and language unit (SLU) which provides extra support for children that have a diagnosis of developmental language disorder (DLD) and or severe speech disorder.
The speech and language unit offers 24 primary places for children from the Middlesbrough and Redcar & Cleveland local authorities. We also have 10 Outreach places where children receive support in their own mainstream school.

As the unit is part of a mainstream school, there are excellent opportunities for inclusive provision for all of our children. All children are included in playtimes, lunchtimes, assemblies, PE and other foundation subjects, special occasions and productions. All pupils within the Overfields Speech and Language Unit are fully involved in the life of the whole school. You can find more details about our speech and language unit by visiting their dedicated page here.
Useful Documents
To view our SEND policy, click below:
To view our school’s SEND Information Report (SEND Offer), click below:
To view our Accessibity Policy, click below:
To view our policy on supporting pupils and staff with Medical Conditions, click below:
Helpful Information
Have a look at the People’s Information Network Local Offer website for information on services for children with special educational needs and disabilities and their families living in Redcar and Cleveland. Click the image below:
The Department for Education has produced a guide for parents and carers with SEND children. You can find this here.
You can also find some links to websites below that contain some helpful information and advice or parents of children with SEND.